Saturday, January 7, 2017

Jewel Rider Project - Anya and Kale

Introducing Queen Angelene (Anya) and Lady Kale

**DISCLAIMER: this is my version of the history of Queen Angelene and Lady Kale, since we don't get a whole lot of information from the television series.  So anything I put here is not official :)**

Younger twin to Lady Kale, Queen Angelene is gentle and kind.  Her down-to-earth attitude led her to become Queen of Avalon, and the first bearer of the Sunstone.  Part of her schooling was spent under the tutelage of Merlin, the great wizard.  While she excelled at magic, Anya never pursued a magical career and focused more on government studies and running a household ... errr castlehold.

General Information:
Nickname - Anya
Favorite Color - Violet family
Animal - Wintermane (white tiger)

Twin sister - Lady Kale
Husband - King Jarrod
Children - Princess Gwenevere (14) and Lady Tara (9)

Physical Features:
Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Dark Blue
Skin - Fair

Favorite Food - Strawberries

Elder twin to Queen Angelene, Lady Kale's temper is as well renowned as her taste for power and gold.  Like Anya, Kale was tutored in magic by Merlin, the Great Wizard, but soon discovered that there were other resources.  She had a natural aptitude for magic, however, her eternal jealousy of the favored Anya (and subsequent willingness to use Dark Arts) prevented her from receiving an enchanted jewel from Merlin.  However, Kale soon found a way to remedy the situation by procuring the Dark Stone, which she stumbled upon during the search for Wizard's Peak and a new teacher.

General Information:
Nickname - none
Favorite Color - Red and gold
Animal(s) - Grimm (dragon); Rufus and Twigg (Dweasels - aka dragon weasels)

Twin sister - Queen Angelene
Nieces - Princess Gwenevere and Lady Tara

Physical Features:
Hair - Ebony
Eyes - Dark blue
Skin - Fair

**One final note: I'm still trying to make friends with my scanner, so the image quality for the next few art pieces may not be up to par.  I apologize and will try to replace images in the future with something that looks better.  :) **

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