Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 4 & 5 Photo-A-Day


Here is Day 4:


I don't actually have any pets at the moment, so I'll have to do something slightly different for this day.  :)  You may recognize little Pua from Moana:

And Day 5:

My Favorite Thing

This reminds me of the song "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music.  When I was 8 years old, I received a Russ Troll dressed as a Ballerina.  I've kept her to this day, and even tried to expand her wardrobe. 

Did you have any Troll dolls?  They were VERY popular in the 1990's (which is when I got mine) and it seems like they've risen in popularity again with the release of the new movie in 2016.  However, the interesting thing about Russ Trolls is that they never had copyright to the idea of "Troll" so they are no longer allowed to make them. (The copyright went to the original 1960-1970 troll dolls under the company Dam - pronounced Dom - and it took them 40 YEARS of fighting to make that happen).

Anyway, a little trivia for you. ;)

#FMSphotoaday, #BLIphotoaday, #photoday4, #photoday5

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